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Amy Nothwang almost 6 years ago

Photos and video from the season are now posted on the home screen under quick links. If you would like a higher resolution video here is the site:

Trina Brown over 6 years ago

Hello JV Swim families!
This might be the last plea for help from the Snackshack this season. We still have 2 remaining home meets left, both of which are with 2 schools with large athlete delegations, Del Norte and Westview.
My heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to everyone who has donated and helped me at the snackshack thus far.
We are still in need of:
Tortillas for quesadillas
Tortilla chips for nachos
Jalapeño slices
Mt Dew
Sour patch kids
Chocolate candy bars
Vanilla ice cream

Randi O’Reilly over 6 years ago

Hello JV Families!!

This week our home game is on Thursday so we will be having our Pasta Party on Wednesday (4/4) on the pool deck right after practice at 6:30pm. The kids really enjoyed this last week and it helps build team spirit. Hopefully all the swimmers can make it and if not please be sure that what ever item you are assigned makes it to the pool deck by 6:15pm so that we have enough time to set up before the kids are out of the pool. Assignments are based on the first letter of you last name. If possible please label your dish as vegetarian as quite a few swimmers asked last week about that.

B-C Drinks
D-G Pasta
H-M Breadsticks, Roplls, Bread
N-R Salad
S-W Deserts

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out!
Thank you,

Trina Brown over 6 years ago

Hello JV families!
The snackshack is in need of these items for the next three remaining home meets:
Chocolate candy bars
Mexican cheese
Tortilla chips for nachos
Mountain Dew
Dr Pepper

Amy Nothwang over 6 years ago

Hi everyone, pasta party at the pool tomorrow after practice. For this one I think we have most of the food covered but if you'd like to bring something please do. I think we still need some dessert drinks and forks.

Trina Brown over 6 years ago

Hello JV Swim families!
The snackshack is in need of donations! We have a home meet tomorrow and 2 home meets next week and we are in need of supplies like:
Gallon size water
Bottled water
Large assorted Gatorade
Red vines
Ziploc sandwich bags
Vanilla ice cream
16 oz coffee cups with lid
Baked goods such as cookies and muffins
(Home made or store bought)
Styrofoam bowls
Aluminum foil
Clorox wipes
Mexican cheese
Tortillas for quesadillas
Chocolate candy bars

Trina Brown over 6 years ago

Hello JV Swim families!
The snackshack is in need of donations for the next 6 home meets.
We are in most need of :
Gallon sized water
Cases of bottled water
Coca Cola
Sprite or 7up
Red vines
Cup noodles
Chocolate candy bars
Hershey syrup
Styrofoam bowls
16 oz paper cups
Please drop donations off at the snackshack every home games or with the coaches at practice but make sure to let them know that they are snack bar donations please!

Amy Nothwang over 6 years ago

Parent meeting postponed to 3/6 @4:45 At the pool, due to the weather.